Anarchic Sexual Desires of Plain Unmarried Schoolteachers | Chris McCormack (ed.)
Selected Press
Anarchic sexual desires of plain unmarried schoolteachers touches on the unacknowledged, often contradictory currencies that determine friendships and recollected legacies. Spanning a period of nearly 40 years, these newly commissioned texts include Bruce Boone, Lukas Duwenhögger, Vanalyne Green, Rob Halpern, Elizabeth A Hatmaker, Emma Hedditch, Jaki Irvine, Colter Jacobsen, Kevin Killian, Chris Kraus, Andy Lacey, Isla Leaver-Yap, Douglas A Martin, Josephine Pryde, Lis Rhodes, Jimmy Robert and Joe Westmoreland. Also included are out-of-print writings by Robert Glück and Sarah Schulman.