attached to
Rachel Lois Clapham, Live Art Development Agency
Co-Director of Open Dialogues Rachel Lois Clapham asked me to be part of the (W)Reading Performance Writing guide. This guide comprises of syllabuses, manifestos, scores, personal testimonies and practical exercises, many drawn from resources available in the Live Art Development Agency study room. Other contributors include Charles Bernstein, Caroline Bergvall, David Berridge, Rachel Lois Clapham, Emma Cocker, Alex Eisenberg, John Hall, Claire Hind, Richard Kostelanetz, Johanna Linsley, Claire MacDonald, Tamarin Norwood, Mary Paterson, and Simon Zimmerman.
A pdf of the guide can be downloaded here (my contribution on pp.20-27).
Further a one-off hard copy edition of the guide is available to be assembled/disassembled in the LADA Study Room.